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Acoustic " Coeur à Coeur" ( Heart to heart) with Emeline Michel at the Shapeshifter Lab in


Saturday night March 28th, 2015 was acoustic night Coeur à Coeur with Emeline Michel at the Shapeshifter Lab in Brooklyn, NY. She started with Latibonit; the way she sang the song takes you away and when she's done singing, you wonder where you've been. She sang Djanie, which is one of the songs of her new album Quintesence.

On stage: James Dominique ( Guitar), Gashford Guillaume ( Drums), Calvin Jones ( Bass), Jean Guy René ( Percussion) and Yayoi Lina Ikawa on the piano.


Yayoi Lina Ikawa doing her keyboard groove.


Calvin Jones on bass and Jean Mary Brignol on the Haitian drum ( tambour).


When Emeline Michel made her entrance on the stage, the audience members were smiling, happy to be so close to their diva.



Jean Mary Brignol on Tambour


Gashford Guillaume on drums and Calvin Jones on bass


"Every second a woman is being beaten to death by a man. Some are being abused and might be close to us and we don't even know it," says Emeline, as she invites us to stand up and fight for our lives. She continues, "Because the man who really loves you won't hurt you."

Later on in show, she talked about Benji, the famous young Haitian dancer, who had died due to the earthquake of 2010 that also killed millions in Haiti.

Emeline ended the show with the audience choice of Flanm.

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