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Eline Magazine is proud to present a Diva in the fashion industry. A Haitian Wonder: Murielle Lecont

Murielle Leconte

Thank you, Eline, for introducing me to your fans and followers, readers and audience today. This project of HOPE and POSITIVITY is an inspiration to all.

If ever there were a time more apropos to reaching others, it is NOW. My hopes are that by reaching more people through this magazine.

I am Murielle Leconte, Engineer. How does one define who one is? I am the daughter of the late Richard Leconte, Entrepreneur. Engineer and founder of the first Private School of Engineering in Haiti. I am also CEO of “Murielle Creations” – a company and a position created in order to fill that gnawing gap left when I lost my father and which sustains me to this day.

Murielle Creations was created in December 8, 1990, which is also my birthday. Creative kids are all over the place, in my heart I knew that with dogged determination and my so called “stubborn” refusal to listen to all the negative comments about me and my supposed lack of experience - I would make my mark on Haitian society and beyond our narrow focus to the international plane. With all of my heart, I wish to be a model upon which young Haitians can mold themselves and I thank God for that opportunity.

After many years, I realize and accept that discrimination and let’s be honest – corruption and betrayal amongst all of us, not just in the world of design but throughout our community. Designers hate competition of any kind, however let me tell you now that discrimination and bitchery exists and is alive and well and living and thriving all over the world,

There is a hierarchy here. In order to break into that very elite group; I had to do more than a good job. I had to produce more, so much more than the best I could do. I had no choice other than be great. Although I recall the initial shock initial realization some 24 years ago, and I continue to be somewhat bewildered by it, I had to “let it go” in order to overcome the stigmata and negativity which was poured upon my work – and then soaked by sneers and laughter by those very people I had intended to please.

Respect is a currency that is very hard to earn. Once earned, it is not easy to maintain that respect and always reach that degree of excellence! We must always strive toward excellence in all we do as a vocation as well as in our daily lives! In so doing we move forward and upward to attain a better quality of life and love for all. My creations were ridiculed! However, instead of allowing those negative stabs to dig in too deeply , I took that criticism with as much humility that I could find, and used it to become even better at whatever I did. I became BETTER at whatever I did and do. This is something I continue to do to this day, and it a pattern one sees in people who are smart and stubborn and who NEVER STOP BELIEVING in themselves and their goals. Success is a very powerful word. Becoming a success and staying successful is a process, which can scar people who are unprepared for it. I made a name for my work and myself. I am proud of ME. This is evident in the number of people who follow my work and encourage me to do more, do better, and indeed be a better more creative one at that! I thank God who has given me the strength together with the drive to become a force to be reckoned with. Success is a fight – an uphill battle just to stay on the hill - and many attempt the climb and have to get up again and again and again. Others just give up. Those people will never attain their personal goals. This is a daily occurrence in Haiti. There are others amongst us who through their ‘smaller’ victories, stories and personal accounts of their lives have in themselves, proven that success cannot always be measured by fame and fortune. It is the smile on our children’s’ faces. It is the peace of mind of knowing that those whom we love will be taken care of and not hurt - of having a roof over our heads - food on the table and an education - which is all any parent wishes for his or her child. To be totally honest, there are bad people all over and Haiti is no exception. To them I say, “GO!” and I do not allow myself to be feel threatened or less of a woman and a businesswoman – and a successful one at that.

I worked hard for it. It is my right. I did not come with empty hands and an emptier heart to those in power to beg for a gift! I work for what I have and I am proud of the sweat and of the tears!

I am proud of who I am. I am proud of the woman I have become, and I am proud of what I have achieved through sheer determination and hard work. For most people, success means money, and a great deal of it. I consider myself a success in Haiti and internationally. Even the naysayers who have told me time after time that I will never succeed can safely back off.

The media in my country helped me step onto the path that leads to success. Through your unique magazine and efforts to empower all of us, you have shown us that with determination and hope and a very determined (even stubborn) nature – that dreams DO come true. They come true because YOU or I or whomever HAS that fire and pride and creativity!

Thank you Eline – my most humble and sincere thanks to you and to your team for allowing me to use my creativity in a positive manner through your magazines and your unending determination to make it! I am so proud that my creativity and creations have proved themselves to all and I thank you again for allowing me onto this platform to once again show the world what and who we can be if we dare to act on our dreams!

Eline Magazine est fier d'introduire une diva de la couture haïtienne: Murielle Leconte

Murielle Leconte: Merci Eline pour ton initiative à vouloir présenter un magazine capable de desservir cette population qui a tant besoin de renouveau, et ceci dans tous les domaines. Merci de m’inviter à y participer et déjà bonne chance de tout coeur.

Je suis Murielle Leconte, ingénieur de profession, fille du feu l’ingénieur Richard Leconte qui fonda la première école privée de génie en Haïti. Je suis la PDG de Murielle Créations que j’ai pris l’initiative de créer pour combler un vide après la mort de mon père. Murielle Créations a pris naissance le 8 décembre 1990, jour de mon anniversaire de naissance. Quoiqu' incomprise par la société haïtienne, j'ai su avec détermination, sérieux et dynamisme me créer une place dans cette Haïti où les modèles que nous voulons être pour les jeunes ne sont point valorisés pour le travail accompli, et ceci dans l’art en général, mais je tiens bon grâce à Dieu.

Après toutes ces années ce qui m’a le plus marquée c’est encore la discrimination existant entre les designers. Je ne sais pas sur quel critère on se base pour dévaloriser un travail accompli depuis presque 24 ans, mais je laisse faire car moi j’apprécie chacun de nos designers et tous ceux qui travaillent pour la révalorisation de notre culture; et encore le manque d’encadrement lorsque nous voulons organiser une manifestation culturelle ou promouvoir notre travail dans l’international. Et le pire, c’est l’accès au crédit quand les sponsors ne se manifestent pas. On a, à ce moment juste l’envie d’aller voir ailleurs, là où ceux qui connaissent l'importance de l'art peuvent nous juger se basant sur notre travail et non par "ZANMITAY" comme on le dit souvent.

C’est un long parcours parsemé d’embûches, mais j’ai marché à petit pas, je me suis fait un nom, je dois être fière de le dire. Pour certains, on réussit quand on fait de l’argent mais j’ai su me faire une réputation tant au niveau national qu’international, que cela ne déplaise à plus d’un, ceux qui ne m’aiment pas, je m’en moque à présent, car j’ai fini par croire que certains haïtiens en particulier aiment dénigrer que récompenser la créativité et la combativité. Avoir la force de continuer avec les mains vides, je remercie Dieu qui a su me donner cette force de caractère et ce dynamisme que profitent plus d’un et même ceux qui n’ont pas le courage de dire qu'ils ont été chez nous.

J’existe à travers les médias de mon pays. Et toi Eline je te dis un sincère merci pour cette entrevue qui permettra à plus d’un de connaître mes produits et ma fierté d’avoir créé cette entreprise.

Murielle Creations

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