Let's go to Haiti
"Why it will be the trendiest of destinations in 2015!"
Despite public opinion and what the media are prone to dwell upon, one thing remains the same:
TV or no TV – Haiti has a mystery and a charm, which is not felt, in any other place. It is a place where magic happens. It is true that Haiti is a poor country, isolated from most of the world after being handed down through centuries of oppression and corruption of its people by kings and politicians alike – Haiti is a country filled with color, laughter, hope and happiness. I can honestly say that I have never met any Haitian who would not support his neighbor and his country.
After the earthquake of January 12, 2010, the country has seen its resources decrease from poor to beyond poverty. We may even say that the resources of the capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince is missing, but honestly we knew that before we even noticed the absence of funds.
Photo by Hugues Robert Marsant
What do we have left?
Let’s start with: beaches to die for, mountains of breathtaking beauty, luxury homes, hotels and resorts, investors from all over the world, haute couture as well as the not-so-haught (!) Our art and music festivals , The Markets where people are able to display and sell their merchandise and gain recognition for their skills and talents. Our People and Culture, Our love and support for one another. Let’s not forget the businessmen and women who join us in our renewal and rebirth! What about the churches and missionaries? The history? Port- au- Prince was destroyed but it takes more than an earthquake to keep it buried.
Let us not forget the rich history of a Country which has survived more blows than a tornedo over thousands of years.
Dr. Carl Renand Fayette (MD) shares the following with us:
"I was born in Cap Haitien, and I grew up in Carice which is a village in the North Eastern Area of Haiti. In this area we are blessed with a temperate climate and no sudden storms.
On August 18, Carice celebrates its patron Saint - "Saint Helena". This is corner of heaven attracts everyone whilst remaining. The people who live there year in and year out are hospitable, friendly and take great pride in seeing others fall in love with this place, this sanctuary, which appears to have been selected by the gods for special attention. Carice per se does not cater to the usual tourist trade, and you would be hard pressed to find a hotel or inn to bed down in, during the festive season. People here welcome others into their homes during the festive season – just as you would a member of your family. It’s an honest and joyful welcome as well – and we have not started to talk about the cuisine!
It has been said that the air here brings solace to troubled souls. It is so relaxing. Some folk never leave. This is also home to four (4) types of mango which are only found in Carice: Mango Dosou, Mango Laurent, Mango Viann, as well as Polen Granke. Our so-called "River of Darkness" is a misnomer. Why? It is beautiful! We used to swim in that river when we were kids. This river runs through Haiti into the Dominican Republic. There are other specialties of this area: Maïs Ji and sweet lemon… is one. This area is blessed with clean free flowing river water. Naturally this has to be a tourism hotspot. The waterfall delights lovers and brings enemies together. It is a cascade of water which feeds the village of Carice as well as Keris, which is its natural site.
Nevertheless there is always work to do and improvements, which must be. We need to drill a road to link Cerca, Cavajal and Carice, that way all of these villages can connect and all of us can feast on the manna (breadfruit) we call "caricienne". More and more investors are looking at my home as in a proprietary way!
In conclusion I can say that Carice will be (and already is) the best place on earth to live in, to grow up in and grown old in.
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Vacance en Haiti
En dépis de ce que certaines personnes pensent, en dépis de certaines images dégradantes que nous voyons à la télévision au sujet de notre chère Haïti, derrière les fatras et l'instabilité politique existe un pays de couleur et d'espoir. Un pays où les gens supportent l 'un l'autre. Haïti reste un pays à découvrir. Après le tremblement de terre du 12 Janvier 2010, le pays a vu ses ressources diminuées et même nous pouvons dire que les ressources de la Capital d'Haiti, Port-au-Prince sont disparues. Qu'est-ce qu'il nous reste? Nous avons les plages, les montagnes, les hotels luxueux pour accueillir des visiteurs, investisseurs, hommes d'affaire, des missionnaires pour ne citer que ceux là.
Eline magazine introduit le docteur Carl Renand Fayette qui a vu le jour au Cap Haitien.
Carl Renand Fayette:
Je suis né en fait au Cap Haitien et j'ai grandi à Carice. C'est un village qui se situe dans le Nord-Est. Je dirais à la jonction du Nord- Est et du Centre où il fait bon vivre, le climat particulièrement frais pendant toute l'année. Le 18 Août, justement les cariciens célèbrent leur sainte patronne Sainte Hélène. Pour tous les visiteurs ce coin enchanteur ne manque pas d'attrait, ce climat qui t'invite à passer plus de temps dans le Nord et cette hospitalité des cariciens qui respirent un peu de fièreté de voir leurs hotes tomber d'amour de ce coin de terre béni des dieux.
Effectivement, La zone n'a pas encore d'investissement dans le secteur hotelier pourtant tout le monde trouve une maison où s'abriter durant le temps de fêtes.
Pour commencer, il y a cette nature accueillante, quand on passe la nuit sans pouvoir dormir à Port-au-Prince, on pense forcement à Carice où le sommeil est des plus reposants. Je puis ajouter, quatre (4) espèces de mangos qu'on ne retrouve qu' à Carice: Mango dosou, mango laurent, Mango viann, et Polen granke. Il y a l'immense rivière nommée rivière des "Ténèbres" qui porte un peu mal son nom puisque nous autres y avons passé notre enfance à s'y tremper. Cette rivière se jette en République Domininicaine.
Il y a les specialités de la zone: le Maïs ji, les citrons doux..., le réseau hydrographique est particulièrement riche. Kleris est quasiment un site touristique, c'est une cascade d'eau qui fait les délices des amoureux, ne pas confondre Carice le village et Kleris le site. Il ne reste plus qu'à percer une route reliant Cerca, Cavajal et Carice pour mettre les trois departements en contact où tout un chacun puisse venir profiter de la manne caricienne. Le nom est charme, l'espace tout autant. Les investisseurs commencent à venir mais il en faut de toute urgence des auberges vu l'attraction de la zone et l'ampleur de la fête champêtre.
Pour conclure je peux dire que Carice est cette espace où la nature caresse!