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Beyoncé and BeyGOOD Support Pediatric Care In Haiti

During Beyoncé’s May 2015 trip to Haiti, she paid a visit to Saint Damien Pediatric Hospital in Tabarre. St. Damien provides high quality medical treatment for disadvantaged and sick children in Haiti, however the hospital has recently lost funding resulting in cutbacks in staff and a decrease in the number of children that can be treated. Your purchase of a BeyGOOD Haiti t-shirt can help solve an urgent funding crisis with all proceeds from sales of this shirt directly aiding St. Damien in re-opening an abandoned wing and continuing to aid the people of Haiti.

( Source:

(Image from Beyoncé Lite Twitter)

Eventhough this campaign has reached his goal we incourage everybody to continue to support Saint Damien Pediatric Hospital and other Hospitals that are helping children in Haiti.

Take a look at this video

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