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"Let's make a Difference" Campaign

( Click the pictures to order)

We want to change the lives of all peoples in our community in a positive and

PROACTIVE way - by showing all groups-races-ethnicity and beliefs, that with skill, talent and drive - ANYTHING is possible. We will show and help people to turn their lives around and empower them toward change to the good. Create a platform for them to show what they have and what they are able. We are that light and that hope – and we wish to reignite the flame to ensure a better quality of life for all of us, not just a select few! The Eline Fleury Radio and TV Show is a place where we will learn to accept the value of each human being -speak our minds openly and receive tangible answers, without false promises without politics, - develop and use positivity within our environment for the betterment of the community and for the pride of all.

Support our Campaign, buy a T-Shirt for yourself, your family and friends.

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