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The first Haitian Comic Book

Eline magazine presents you the author of the first Haitian comic book: "Anthony Louis Jeune " and encourage you to support this young and talented artist.

Eline Magazine : Tell us , what is it that prompted you to create a comic book?

Anthony Louis -Jeune : Thanks for the compliment and for contacting me for the interview ; I also greet your loyal readers.

Since my childhood, I always liked comics . Be they American, European , African and Japanese . I collect comics so far and I think it is quite normal for me to have wanted to create my own.

EM : Why choose a " Superhero " and not another subject or character ?

A L-J : I created a superhero because the superhero invite especially children to dream. Certainly , nobody is perfect, but a fictional character , a superhero little encouraging a young become better and to do good wherever he goes .

EM : Where does the story of Super Heroes described in the book ?

A L-J : He comes from Haiti . my inspiration came from various mythologies and current events to create Djatawo

EM : What message do you want to get through this project?

A LJ : Djatawo 's a great Haitian hero who fights for human rights and crime in the world, especially in Haiti, with super powers obtained from a solar disk called Zemi . The purpose of this project is to have a formal role in protecting and promoting human rights, including those of children.

E.M : When will the second series of the book?

A J - L : This year if God will

EM : What do you hope the publication of this book?

A L-J : I hope that kids and adults will love the second book as the first . I also hope distribute and sell books worldwide .


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