From the publisher of Eline Magazine
Eline Fleury and Eline Magazine thank all who have contributed to the expansion of Eline Magazine, which supports the arts, culture, education and creativity of Haitian culture and its diaspora. We have had our moments of fear, weakness and despondency, but our tenacity to succeed has helped us to hold on. Thank you for every visit; every like/share; each post and comment that makes up the gas and oil driving the engine of this company and gives us the strength to continue.
A brilliant future awaits us and together with you, we’re walking the road that will take us where we want to be. Thank you to our staff and editors; our producer Gashford Guillaume; Hugues Robert Marsan photography; Chenet Nerette of Radio Continentale; AppMe solutions, XS Media, Le Image, Sila photography, Sakpase California, Shedly Abraham. Thank you to all the artists, musicians, professionals, politicians, writers, poets; everyone who, in one way or another, contributes to this recreation of Haiti we all dream of: "The Pearl of the Antilles" / “La Perle des Antilles” Happy and successful year to you all in the Name of the One Who never fails.