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Eline Fleury interviewed the graphic designer Anthony Louis-Jeune about his short term projects, " Space Mythology" was one of the ideas he was developing and now you will have the chance to visualize this project on November 6 in New York.


Anthony explain: "It’s a series of fantasy and abstract illustrations that reflects the colorful and imaginative world of Anthony Louis-Jeune. The universe is gigantic and many other parallel universes divide it. Many galaxies are living inside this inexplicable creation that only theories have their point of views to describe this amazing painting of gazing energy. Composed of vibration, movement and energy, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe are similar Based on a theory, human beings are reflections of the universe. All pieces are made in a mindfulness state of the artist thought-out mediation. The goal of meditation is to go beyond the mind and experience our essential nature—which is described as peace, happiness, and bliss.

The purpose of the pieces is to calm the nerves of the observer, to let go of their biases and seeing what is, openly and clearly. Anthony Louis Jeune is inviting you in a journey inside his inner self, a journey through another dimension of space and time.

The dimensions of space and time affect each other, and both space and time are therefore relative concepts, with only the unvarying speed of light providing the bedrock on which the universe is built. “ The Subway Souls” are affected by this concept and their energy will encounter the mythical beings of Space. We are all unique and beautiful."

Courtesy: Anthony Louis-Jeune

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